ご予約について Reserve
インターネット、お電話ともに12ヶ月前からご予約を承っております。When do reservations begin?
We accept reservations 12 months in advance both online and by phone.予約終了時期はいつですか?
当日の変更、キャンセルにつきましては、ホテルへ直接お電話ください。When do reservations end?
Reservations from this site are accepted until 23:59 the day before.
There may be changes to the meal contents, but reservations can be made until 7:00 pm on the same day, so please contact us directly by phone.
For changes or cancellations on the day of your reservation, please call the hotel directly.電話予約は可能ですか?
15:00〜16:00、18:00以降はお客様のご対応などで特にお電話が繋がりにくい可能性がございます。ご了承ください。Can I make reservations by phone?
Our telephone hours are from 9:00 to 18:00.
Please note that it may be especially difficult to reach us from 15:00 to 16:00 and after 18:00 due to serving our guests.いつからキャンセル料がかかりますか?
到着の当日 宿泊料金の100%
到着の1日前 宿泊料金の50%
到着の2日前 宿泊料金の30%
到着の7日前 宿泊料金の20%When is the cancellation fee charged?
Accrual will begin 7 days prior to arrival.
On the day of arrival 100% of the room rate
1 day prior to arrival 50%
2 days prior to arrival 30%
7 days prior to arrival 20% -
チェックイン・アウト Check In・Out
チェックインは15:00、チェックアウトは11:00でございます。What time is check in and check out?
Check in time is 15:00 and check out time is 11:00.チェックイン前後に荷物を預けておくことは可能ですか?
可能でございます。Can I leave my luggage before or after check-in?
Yes. We would be happy to do so.アーリーチェックイン、レイトアウトは可能ですか?
12時まで ご宿泊料の10%
13時まで ご宿泊料の30%
14時まで ご宿泊料の50%
15時以降 ご宿泊料の100%Is early check-in and late check-out available?
Early check-in will be available as soon as the room is ready.
For late check-out, the following additional fee will be charged.
Please note that this service is subject to room availability.
Until 12:00 p.m. 10% of room charge
Until 1:00 p.m. 30% of room charge
Until 2:00 p.m. 50% of room charge
Over 3:00 p.m. 100% of room charge -
滞在中 Stay
お部屋によりますが、最大3〜5名様までご宿泊いただけます。How many people can be accommodated per room?
Depending on the room, it can accommodate up to 3-5 people.お部屋でインターネットは利用できますか?
全室で無料Wi-Fiをご利用いただけます。Can I use the Internet in my room?
Free Wi-Fi is available in all rooms.喫煙ルームはありますか?
全室禁煙でございます。喫煙は屋外の喫煙スペースをご利用ください。Are smoking rooms available?
All rooms are non-smoking. Please use the smoking area outside of the hotel buildings.飲み物などの持ち込みはできますか?
また、お部屋以外での飲食は、ご遠慮いただいております。Can I bring my own beverages and food?
You may bring your own beverages, but we ask that you do not bring any raw food.
Eating and drinking are not permitted outside of the rooms.乳幼児がいます。貸し出しのアイテムなどございますか。
ポリシーはリンクから確認ください。そのほかのご質問についてはお気軽にお問い合わせください。I have an infant. Do you have any items we can borrow?
We strive to be a family friendly hotel.
Please click on the link to review our policies. For any other questions, please feel free to contact us. -
施設について Facility
夕食の開始は18時から19時の間で、朝食は7時から8時30分ラストオーダーの間でご希望のお時間にお越しください。Can I choose the time for dinner and breakfast?
Dinner will be served at your preferred time between 18:00 and 19:00, and breakfast will be served between 7:00 and 8:30 Last Order.食物アレルギーがあるのですが、どのような対応が可能ですか。
アレルギー症状の発生防止をお約束するものではないことをご注意ください。I have a food allergy.
Please notify us about your food restrictions at the time of reservation.
However, all meals served are prepared in the same kitchen.
Therefore, it is difficult to completely exclude allergens,
Please note that we cannot guarantee the prevention of allergy symptoms.宗教上の理由で食べられるものが限られますが、対応は可能ですか。
一度お気軽にご相談ください。I am limited in what I can eat for religious reasons.
We will do our best to accommodate changes in dietary restrictions for religious or faith reasons.
We generally do not decline any requests based on religion or beliefs.
Please feel free to consult with us.サウナは有料ですか?
当館ご宿泊のお客様は無料でご利用いただけます。Is there a charge for sauna?
Free of charge for guests staying at the hotel.サウナ利用時はどういう服装が良いですか?
無料レンタルもございますが、ご持参いただいたもののご着用も可能でございます。What kind of clothing should I wear when using the sauna?
Our sauna has a great view of the ocean and we ask that you wear a bathing suit.
Swimsuits are available for free rental, or you may bring your own.サウナの利用時間はいつですか?
①15:00~16:30 ②17:00~18:30 ③21:15~22:45 ④23:15~24:45 ⑤翌日6:00~7:30 ⑥翌日8:30~10:00
※お申し込み時の希望時間は先着順になりますので、ご希望に添えない場合もございます。ご了承くださいませ。When are the sauna hours?
Guests may use the sauna for one 1.5-hour slot per room.
The reservations are made a first-come, first-served for advance reservations, and we will ask you for your preferred time of use.
(1) 15:00~16:30 (2) 17:00~18:30 (3) 21:15~22:45 (4) 23:15~24:45 (5) 6:00~7:30 the next day (6) 8:30~10:00 the next day
Please note that the requested time at the time of application is on a first-come, first-served basis, so we may not be able to meet your request. -
対策について Policy
接触率の高い箇所の高濃度消毒液による消毒、またスタッフの手指の消毒を徹底しています。Do you sanitize the guest rooms?
We ensure a high standard of cleanliness, attention to detail and care.レストランエリアではどのような対策がされていますか?
・調理台・まな板・調理包丁を使用ごとに消毒What measures are taken in the restaurant area?
Sanitized tables, chairs, and other areas that are frequently in contact with people for each use.
Table layouts that ensure social distance.
Thorough hand washing and alcohol sanitizer by service staff (staff wash their hands and sanitize with alcohol every hour).
Sanitize cooking tables, cutting boards, and knives after each use.フロントではどのような対策がされていますか?
ルームキーカードの消毒、フロントカウンターとテーブルの消毒等を徹底しております。What measures are taken at the front desk?
We thoroughly disinfect room key cards, front counter and tables, etc. -
その他 Others
車で5分程の所にファミリーマート、セブンイレブンがございます。Is there a convenience store nearby?
There is a Family Mart and a 7-Eleven within a 5 minute drive.ペットも一緒に泊まれますか?
ペットの同伴はご遠慮いただいております。Can pets stay with us?
Pets are not allowed.バリアフリーは対応してますか?
バリアフリーではありません。段差や階段がありますのでご注意下さい。Are barrier-free facilities available?
The building is not barrier-free. Please note that there are steps and stairs.テレビは観れますか?
当ホテルの客室、ダイニングにテレビはございません。ゆっくりと流れる時間や森、海の音をお楽しみ下さい。Can I watch TV?
There are no televisions in our guest rooms and dining room. Please enjoy the slow flow of time and the sounds of the forest and ocean.駐車スペースはどこにありますか?
ホテルの建物に隣接しておりますのでご安心下さい。Where are the parking spaces located?
The parking spaces are available in front of the hotel.