

Experience Hirado's history, culture,
nature, and food,
and expand your mind and senses, and enjoy your leisure time.


Hirado Castle

平戸城は、別名「亀岡城」とも呼ばれ、平戸瀬戸に突き出した平山城です。山鹿流築城法に基づき、1704年に松浦家30代・松浦棟の時代に着工され、1718年に松浦家31代・松浦篤信の時代に完成しました。その後、明治時代の廃城令により廃城となりました。 現在の平戸城天守閣は、1962年(昭和37年)に三層五階建ての形で復元され、日本100名城のひとつに選ばれています。 平戸城に隣接する亀岡神社は、松浦藩主を祀る神社です。現在の社殿は明治13年に建立され、約360坪の敷地内に本殿、神楽殿、御札所、社務所が配置されています。

Hirado Castle, also known as "Kameoka Castle," is a hilltop castle that extends into the Hirado Strait. It was built using the Yamaga-style construction method, with construction beginning in 1704 during the time of Matsuura Taku, the 30th head of the Matsuura clan, and completed in 1718 under Matsuura Atsunobu, the 31st head. However, the castle was later abolished due to the castle abolition order in the Meiji era. The current Hirado Castle keep was reconstructed in 1962 (Showa 37) as a three-tiered, five-story structure and has been selected as one of Japan’s Top 100 Castles. Adjacent to Hirado Castle, Kameoka Shrine is dedicated to the Matsuura clan lords. The current shrine building was constructed in 1880 (Meiji 13) and sits on a site of approximately 360 tsubo (about 1,190 square meters), featuring a main hall, a kagura hall, a sacred token office, and a shrine office.


Hirado Castle

〒859-5121 長崎県平戸市岩の上町1458

1458 Iwanoecho, Hirado-shi, Nagasaki-ken 859-5121




Hirado, a city rich in exotic charm and historical romance, has long been a gateway for foreign cultures. Founded in 1502 (Bunki 2), "Tsutaya" has been a cherished confectionery, once serving as the official purveyor to the Matsura clan during the Edo period and continuing to be loved by the people of Hirado today. Famous throughout Japan, our signature "Kasudōsu" is a testament to tradition, handcrafted with care by skilled artisans. During the 16th and 17th centuries, Hirado flourished as a hub of trade with Portugal, Spain, and the Netherlands, introducing Western sweets such as castella and konpeitō. Since then, Tsutaya has been dedicated to preserving these historic confections, delivering flavors that have remained unchanged for generations.



〒859-5113 長崎県平戸市木引田町431

431, Kihikidacho, Hirado Shi, Nagasaki Ken, 859-5113


Yuko Seicha

有香製茶は、昭和60年(1985年)10月1日に創立されました。創業者である有浦は、お茶の仕事に携わり約40年の経験を持っています。私たちは、「美味しいお茶」と評価されることに感謝するとともに、「ここに来て良かった」と優しく微笑んでいただけることを、何よりの喜びとしています。その思いを胸に、真心を込めて身体が喜ぶオリジナルのお茶を作り続けています。 日本にお茶の種子がもたらされたのは1191年、栄西禅師が中国から茶の種子を持ち帰り、平戸の千光寺に蒔いたのが始まりです。その後、佐賀の背振、京都の栂尾高山寺を経て、梅尾・宇治を起点に全国へ広まりました。この歴史ある茶文化を背景に、有香製茶は上質なお茶作りを追求しており、Kikka Hiradoをはじめとする多くのお客様に選ばれています。

Yuko Seicha was established on October 1, 1985 (Showa 60). Its founder, Mr. Ariura, has nearly 40 years of experience in the tea industry. While we are grateful to receive praise for our “delicious tea,” what brings us even greater joy is hearing someone say, “I’m so glad I came here,” accompanied by a gentle smile. With this sentiment in mind, we continue to pour our hearts into creating original teas that bring delight to the body and soul. The history of tea seeds being brought to Japan dates back to 1191, when Zen priest Eisai brought tea seeds from China and planted them at Senkoji Temple in Hirado. From there, the seeds spread to Sefuri in Saga and Kozanji Temple in Toganoo, Kyoto, and eventually expanded nationwide, starting from Uji and Umeo. Rooted in this rich tea culture, Yuko Seicha remains dedicated to crafting premium teas, earning the trust and choice of many customers, including Kikka Hirado.


Yuko Seicha

〒859-5112 長崎県平戸市宮の町643-1

643-1, Miyanocho, Hirado Shi, Nagasaki Ken, 859-5112, Japan


Zuiunji Temple

「寺院と教会の見える風景」の一角をなす歴史ある瑞雲寺。この寺院は、13世紀頃に開基され、かつては松浦家の菩提寺としても知られる由緒正しいお寺です。瑞雲寺の境内には、第5代平戸オランダ商館長コルネリウス・ファン・ナイエンローデと日本人女性の間に生まれた混血の女性、コルネリアが天和2年(1682年)に亡き父のために建立したと伝えられる「コルネリア供養塔(コルネリアの塔)」があります。 当館では、この瑞雲寺の西村住職の指導のもと、毎朝朝食前に坐禅体験をお楽しみいただけます。

Zuiunji Temple, a historic site that forms part of the scenic area known as "The View of Temples and Churches." This venerable temple was established around the 13th century and is known as the ancestral temple of the Matsuura family. Within the temple grounds stands the "Cornelia Memorial Tower" (Cornelia's Tower), said to have been erected in 1682 (the 2nd year of the Tenna era) by Cornelia, a mixed-race woman born to Cornelius van Nijenroode, the fifth head of the Hirado Dutch Trading Post, and a Japanese woman, to honor her late father. At our hotel, guests can enjoy a Zen meditation experience every morning before breakfast, guided by the head priest of Zuiunji Temple.


Zuiunji Temple

〒859-5152 長崎県平戸市鏡川町256

256, Kagamigawacho, Hirado, Nagasaki 859-5152



Kasuga Settlement


The Kasuga Settlement in Hirado is a special place where tranquil nature and history come alive. Designated as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, this settlement showcases beautiful stone walls and the Kasuga Church, telling the story of the "Hidden Christians." In spring, the settlement is adorned with blooming cherry blossoms, and the serene mountain scenery provides visitors with a soothing experience. Whether exploring its historical significance or enjoying moments in nature, this is a place where unique and unforgettable experiences await.


Kasuga Settlement

〒859-5373 長崎県平戸市春日町

Kasugacho Hirado, Nagasaki 859-5373