

Experience Hirado's history, culture,
nature, and food,
and expand your mind and senses, and enjoy your leisure time.

三川内焼 平戸松山窯

Hiradoshozan Kiln

御用窯時代の伝統や技術を受け継ぎながらも、平戸松山窯は常に新しい試みにより、新しい伝統も着実に育まれています。Kikka Hiradoでは、平戸松山窯の三川内焼をギャラリー等で展示いたします。

Experience deep traditions carving out a new future as you discover Mikawachi Ware pottery and the Hiradoshozan Kiln. The classic blue-and-white designs are often characterized by a motif of children at play, traditional auspicious patterns, and decorative arabesques. It takes an exceptionally practiced and detailed hand to achieve compelling human expressions and vibrant foliage using only the single-color cobalt blue gosu glazing technique.
The Hiradoshozan Kiln has an attached gallery where visitors can purchase everything from traditional to modern pieces. Shading is done using the dami technique of painting within outlines using a fine brush tip, resulting in classic blue-and-white porcelain tableware. It takes more than a year to carve patterns into a large vase created by an experienced potter, and then the blue glaze is applied to the vase. The vertical kilns of the past have once again been restored and reopened here to create fired white porcelain vessels.
The Hiradoshozan Kiln at Hirado continues to pass on the traditions and techniques of its golden age while constantly innovating with new ideas, laying the groundwork for fresh traditions to take hold. Kikka Hirado displays examples of Mikawachi Ware from the Hiradoshozan Kiln in its gallery and other areas around the property.


Hiradoshozan Kiln


901 Mikawachi-cho, Sasebo, Nagasaki


Junero by Yamabe Kajuen

Kikka Hiradoでは、長崎の橙の花から抽出するネロリの精油を使った化粧品ブランド「junero」のシャンプー・コンディショナーをアメニティとしてご用意します。
長崎県で耕作放棄地の再生を目指し、途絶えようとしていた橙の木、そこで収穫できる果実や花、ハーブを食品やアロマオイルに加工することで、新たな農業の再生に取り組む・YAMABE KAJUEN。

Junero is a cosmetics brand that uses neroli, an essential oil extracted from Nagasaki bitter orange flowers. At Kikka Hirado, we proudly offer Junero shampoo and conditioner as amenities for our guests.
Yamabe Kajuen brought the abandoned rice fields in Nagasaki Prefecture back to life by planting bitter orange trees, which were on the verge of disappearing, and then harvesting their fruit and flowers, as well as other herbs, for use in cuisine and to process into aromatic oils, revitalizing the agricultural economy of the area.
The essential oil extracted from bitter orange flowers is called neroli, and can only be harvested for two weeks a year when the flowers bloom around May. It also takes a full kilogram of flowers to distill just one gram of essential oil. This rare oil has an elegant, refined fragrance that soothes and calms the mind. It is also packed with moisturizers that nourish the skin, making it an effective treatment for wrinkles and dark spots while giving off its lovely aroma. Indulge in this relaxing signature scent of Nagasaki during your stay.




4-37-3-806 Huistenbosch-cho, Sasebo, Nagasaki