Experience Hirado's history, culture,
nature, and food,
and expand your mind and senses, and enjoy your leisure time.
Zuiunji Temple
「寺院と教会の見える風景」の一角をなす歴史ある瑞雲寺。この寺院は、13世紀頃に開基され、かつては松浦家の菩提寺としても知られる由緒正しいお寺です。瑞雲寺の境内には、第5代平戸オランダ商館長コルネリウス・ファン・ナイエンローデと日本人女性の間に生まれた混血の女性、コルネリアが天和2年(1682年)に亡き父のために建立したと伝えられる「コルネリア供養塔(コルネリアの塔)」があります。 当館では、この瑞雲寺の西村住職の指導のもと、毎朝朝食前に坐禅体験をお楽しみいただけます。
Zuiunji Temple, a historic site that forms part of the scenic area known as "The View of Temples and Churches." This venerable temple was established around the 13th century and is known as the ancestral temple of the Matsuura family. Within the temple grounds stands the "Cornelia Memorial Tower" (Cornelia's Tower), said to have been erected in 1682 (the 2nd year of the Tenna era) by Cornelia, a mixed-race woman born to Cornelius van Nijenroode, the fifth head of the Hirado Dutch Trading Post, and a Japanese woman, to honor her late father. At our hotel, guests can enjoy a Zen meditation experience every morning before breakfast, guided by the head priest of Zuiunji Temple.
Zuiunji Temple
〒859-5152 長崎県平戸市鏡川町256
256, Kagamigawacho, Hirado, Nagasaki 859-5152